Meet Easton
Easton was born in 2017. After spending some time in the NICU he was sent home with the family and they were able to start their new journey with their new baby boy. His two older sisters Haleigh and Peyton were thrilled to have a little brother and the love in the Moore family grew even more.
Fast forward to 2018 and that is when the unthinkable happened. Easton began having seizures and had trouble breathing and was transported from the local hospital to Kingston Hospital. After countless tests and visits to the hospital, Easton was stable and was released with no concrete answers. A few weeks later Easton began getting worse and again a trip to the local hospital and a transfer to the Kingston hospital where again, he underwent multiple tests and seizures- again with no concrete answers. However while at the hospital this time Easton’s body couldn’t keep up to what his body was going through and he was Airlifted to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. This was again the beginning of more tests but finally some life changing answers. It was over the next few months that Easton was diagnosed with the very rare genetic disorder SZT2, Hypotonia, Epilepsy, Failure to Thrive, Cortical Visual Impairment, and a global development delay.
Easton is generally a happy boy, but will remain significantly delayed and will require complete assistance in all activities of his daily living. With only having less than 20 patients described in the world having this genetic disorder there is much uncertainty for Easton and his family as there is not a lot of research or treatments for this condition.